I frankly don’t know what makes us unique compare to other living beings…OR do we really need to consider ourselves unique compare to other animals on the earth..?
Where we are standing as human beings..? We are inventing disasters to kill other humans, we don’t bother what mother earth has given and how to worth it. We became so busy in our own world, and there is very less or no time to think about anything else happening around.
Today we find less peace and more tension in our social atmosphere (I may be wrong, few of them may be with more peace and less tension :P but I’m not mentioning about them here; again I can say it is only few). The main reason for this is disharmony in our relationships. This disharmony is reflected in various forms like jealousy, hatred, revenge, greed, violence, etc. So much selfishness has crept in our behavior that all the times we are thinking and bothering about our own comforts, luxuries and gains, even at the cost of harming others.
What I feel is, at some extent we are meant to be so because of our social structure where we will be respected or identified by all the material things we have with us. I still remember when I was a kid my mother prefer to not participate in some of our relatives or friends weddings because we don’t have that much gold jewelry and rich cloths to be there. Yes it is very unfortunate thing but it is fact. As a kid I used to think it is better to not be among them who give importance to nonliving things which got no value compare to a human being.
Whenever these thoughts arise in my mind, I feel to discuss with someone and sometimes I did so and the reaction was so obvious that the other person either think that I don’t have work to do or I’m so frustrated with the life :P and this reaction is a sign of being human :)
Do I really need to think about it? Do I really need to change the world..?
Answer is NO…I don’t want to change the world, I don’t want to change the society, and I don’t want comment on anything out there. Even if I want to I can’t do all this…. just I feel I want to make my life little more beautiful and little more meaningful in my own way.
It is good to make sincere efforts to effect transformation in the self, to improve my relationships with others and to be good to others. It would definitely be a step forward towards a Better World (again I don’t want to change the world, society or people; according to me my world starts from ME).
If I want to become negative I can find 1001 reasons to be so. Another factor is I may be influenced by people that I work with and sometimes it is their negativity attacking me. But above all these factors I’m a human being and I have my own identity. If I really want to do well nothing can stop me, I can’t control any one out here but I can control me. This enables me to bring about change, firstly in my environment, workplace, family and at home and this is my world.
These are the promises I’m keeping for myself: (It may be difficult for me initially to keep all these promises but when I get good results or make people happy by these definitely I will be happier than now)
• I will not hurt people who trust me. :)
• I will help as much as I can to the people who are in my surroundings and who are in need. :)
• I will respect to elders and love children. I will not show disrespect towards anyone who work with me and who seek work from me. :)
• Also I will try to keep my beloved nature clean and green as much as possible. :)
• Above all I will love myself more so that I can share same to others. :)
Being Human.... I really liked this post.....
its very nice post say to very easy but standing in our opinion is difficult. you are not like that be a good human being that word is coming your heart is precious go on your way
i like your valuable posts
Sathish, thank you....
Great madam Keep it up.........
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