What is in the Name...?
It gets its name after Vidura who it is said visited this ancient site on the banks of the river Pinakini during his pilgrimage to the South. Vidura, Mahabharata says, was half-brother to Dhritarashtra and Pandu. The local myth has it that during his visit Vidura planted a pupil sapling (Ficus religiosa) which according to a traditional belief is the same that Vidura planted and nursed in the days of yore during his sojourn here.
There is also a widely held belief that if the childless perform the fertility ritual by way of consecrating a cobra-stone (Nagapratista) at this place they will be blessed with a womb.

Historical Past:
During the time of struggle for independence led by Gandhi in 1930s, When provincial government foiled an attempt by the Satyagrahis at Shivapura (Mandya district) to hoist Congress flag in defiance against the Power demanding Responsible Government, the congress leaders of Kolar district chosen Vidurashwatha as the most perfect site for the programme.
The hoisting of Congress Flag took place on 24 April 1938. The British Government blindly responded with several rounds of firing killing seven of the crowd and injuring many.
The incident drew the attention of the top congress leaders and Vidurashwatha entered the annals of freedom struggle at the national level. Since there is a parallel between this firing incident and that of the infamous Jalianwala Bagh of Punjab Vidurashwatha is also called the “Jalianwala Bagh of the South”.