Being a sales person, I Always feel that all my professional success credit goes to the confidence level. but some times I also feel that I should be able to manage my confidence level. Some times, in some situations I was unable to manage my confidence and due to that even I faced few unwanted things.
Getting this right is a matter of having the right amount of confidence, founded in reality and on our true ability.
If I'm under-confident, I will avoid taking risks and stretching myself; and I might not try at all. And if I'm over-confident, I may take on too much risk, stretch myself beyond my capabilities, and crash badly. I even some times find that I'm so optimistic that I don’t try hard enough to truly succeed.
Getting this right is a matter of having the right amount of confidence, founded in reality and on our true ability.
If I'm under-confident, I will avoid taking risks and stretching myself; and I might not try at all. And if I'm over-confident, I may take on too much risk, stretch myself beyond my capabilities, and crash badly. I even some times find that I'm so optimistic that I don’t try hard enough to truly succeed.